For assistance with social services, please click the button below and fill out the form. In addition to the services listed below, we may also be able to assist you with unemployment, healthcare, price gouging, Meals on Wheels, and much more!

You can also email or call us at 718-236-5266. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


NIA is a CBO SNAP Unit. The SNAP program provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget for low-income families, individuals, and seniors. Please email using the button below or call us at 718-236-5266 for pre-screening.

New applicants and recertifications are welcome!

Does your loved one need in-home health care? We now offer help with your application for HHA (Home Health Aides) or CDPAS (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service). We do not provide the care of home health aides. We offer resources and assistance with the application process. Your questions will be answered and we will do our best to help reduce the stress of caring for a loved one.


The New York Health Care Proxy is a legal document which appoints someone you trust to make health care decisions on your behalf. You can ask your proxy to make all or some of your health care decisions. (Do not confuse this form with DNI/Do-Not Intubate, DNR/Do-Not Resuscitate, MOLST/Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment or POA/Power of Attorney). You must file during the enrollment period. We can assist you with the application process.

DRIE provides a rent freeze for tenants with disabilities. If rent goes up, tenants with DRIE do not have to pay higher rate. The City pays the difference. You don’t have to ask permission from your landlord. You must be 18 years or older, have the lease in your name, have a household income of $50,000 or less, spend a third of your monthly income on rent, receive SSI, SSDI, Veteran’s disability or compensation, and live in a rent stabilized or rent controlled apartment. We can assist you with the application process.


HEAP helps low-income people pay the cost of heating their homes. You may be eligible to receive one regular HEAP benefit per program year. HEAP may be able to help you if you heat your home with electricity, natural gas, oil, coal, propane, wood/wood pellets, kerosene, or corn. We can assist you with the application process.

EPIC is a New York State program for seniors offered by the Department of Health. It helps income-eligible seniors ages 65 and older to supplement their out-of-pocket Medicare Part D drug plan costs. We can assist with the application process. We do not provide insurance coverage.


Fair Fares NYC is a program that helps low-income residents with a 50% discount on the subway and local bus. (Selected Bus Service & Staten Island Railway). Applicants cannot apply if they already have a senior discount pass or Access-A-Ride.

The National Grid Budget Plan takes the amount you usually pay on your National Grid bills in a year and breaks that amount into twelve balanced monthly payments to help offset the traditionally high winter heating and summer air conditioning peak bills. You will still pay only for the total amount of energy you use in a year.

National Grid’s Energy Affordability Program (EAP) provides income-eligible customers with a monthly bill credit. This monthly bill credit is automatic with the receipt of a Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) payment applied to your National Grid account.

WIC Assistance

WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) helps to improve the health and nutrition of mothers and children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or caring for children under the age of 5 years old, you may qualify for WIC benefits. Applicants must be a resident of NYS and fall under income guidelines. NIA can assist you with the application.