10 Fun and Affordable Ways to Celebrate Your Child’s Milestones During the Pandemic

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Just in time to celebrate graduation season, the world is finally starting to open again and we've got you covered on fun and affordable ways to celebrate! For many of our children, this is year two of milestones celebrated in less than “normal circumstances.” Though things may look a little different, they should be no less special. Below are 10 suggestions to help recognize our children’s milestones in the way they deserve!

1. Create signs and décor to honor your child's achievements.

Put signs in the window or balloons on the child's seat at the table. Decorate anywhere and everywhere with homemade decorations that make them feel special.

2. Cook your child’s favorite meal and/or bake a favorite dessert together.

Create a tradition of your child helping create the celebration feast along with you.

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3. Have an in-person or virtual party!

Parks and beaches are a great outdoor space where a small amount of guests can gather to rejoice!* Or host a virtual family/friends party on Zoom or Google Meet to recognize your child's accomplishments. This way, family and friends near and far can all celebrate together.

4. Invite your child to wear their favorite outfit and take lots of pictures.

Or have a family twin day where your child picks outfits for the whole family.

5. Plant a tree, flowers, or seeds in honor of your child’s accomplishment.

You get to watch them bloom along with your child!

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6. Organize a special outing.

Here are some suggestions, courtesy of NYC Parks Events Calendar.

7. Create a printed photo book or videos to commemorate your child's milestones.

Use Shutterfly to make a printed photo book or have family and friends make short videos congratulating your child and have them sent to your child all at once to make them feel special.

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8. Post how proud you are on your own social media and tag your child.

9. Host a drive by party.

Have your own parade full of honking to celebrate your child!

10. Dedicate a song on the radio to tell the world how proud you are!

*Please remember to always follow the CDC Guidelines and do what is comfortable for you and your family’s health. Guidelines for organizing large events and gatherings can be found here.

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